Interconsul offers translation services in 33 languages, thanks to our collaboration with over 300 professionals all over the world qualified according to international industry standards and who commit to respect the Code of Ethics adopted by Interconsul.
To ensure the highest quality standards in providing translation services, Interconsul has developed a database of Translation Memories and Glossaries by specialisation sectors and customers. This is one of the ways we can guarantee continuity and consistency of terminology and optimise times and costs in fulfilling all requests.
Thanks to its proprietary management software, Interconsul can ensure and guarantee confidentiality, traceability and deliver all types of translations and meet deadlines agreed with our customers.
Interconsul is your ideal partner for translation services, such as legalised translations in any language for international tenders, consular and legal documents required by any country.
Interconsul is renowned for its high standard interpretation services. Our interpreters are highly specialised and skilled in a range of sectors. Our conference and ad hoc interpreters have pledged to abide by our Code of Ethics governing commitments, obligations and responsibilities.
Interconsul chooses the most qualified professional teams based on the sectors of specialisation, terminology, cultural background and personal aptitudes. Every phase of the interpreting services is closely monitored to proactively meet any possible needs and create the best conditions for achieving the expected results.
Our professional interpreting services are renowned for flexibility, reliability, punctuality, professional knowledge and confidentiality.
Interconsul is the voice of our customers all over the world.
At Interconsul language training and courses are tailor-made to customers’ specifications: schedules, topics and learning paths can be fully customised.
Thanks to the linguistic specialisation acquired from the translation and interpreting business, our teachers and coaches offer language training courses geared towards the use of company and sector-specific terminology.
The language courses offered by Interconsul are flexible, reliable and respect confidentiality. We also offer administration services for funded courses.
Thanks to the wide range of services offered and the high degree of specialisation, Interconsul is the ideal one-stop partner for convention services dedicated to customers operating internationally and with worldwide audiences. This means lower costs and speedy delivery of the services requested.
Interconsul can guide and support businesses through all convention services, from selecting the best venue for the event scheduled to providing audio and video equipment, as well as choosing interpreters specialised in the specific sector and coordinating and following up on every phase of the project to ensure success and achievement of the objectives.
Have Interconsul manage your convention services for all international events.
Years of experience working with our customers have helped us develop proposals for team building activities for company personnel or visitors, either Italian or foreign, to integrate their daily tasks.
Team building means involving colleagues or customers in practical and creative activities that foster exchange of ideas and cooperation as strategy to learn to work together, as a team, finding solutions and obtaining the best results.
Contact us to explore the right team building project for your business and discover how having fun is actually a strategic business activity.
2023 © Interconsul Srl Società Benefit / Vicolo Politi, 7 - 43121 Parma (Italia) /+39 0521 282442 / +39 0521 200368 /
VAT 01973260340 / SDI BA6ET11 / Cookie policy
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